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Writer's pictureJosiah Forbes

Indie Game : The Movie

Updated: Jun 14, 2023

1. Watch and take notes about the film Indie Game: The Movie.

2. Phil Fish, what game did he develop?


3. Jonathan Blow, what did he develop?


4. What is your opinion on the people in the film? How are the people portrayed in the film?

They all do not appear to be very nice people, most of them having narcissistic traits and seeming very self-obsessed and proud.

5. Describe the process and journey of how these games have been developed. Use images and written annotation to make your blog post interesting and visually appealing.

6. how does it make u feel about working in the games industry?


Supermeatboy is a indie game developed by Edmund Mcmillen and Tommy Refenes



Braid: Jonathan Blow

Fez: Phill Fish

Supermeatboy: Edmund McMillen, Tommy Refenes

Indie Game: The Movie, is a documentary produced by James Swirky and Lisanne Pajot that highlights the struggles and harsh realities of being an indie game developer.


these completely chaotic nonsense notes, i will sort them but this is what it is for

now (i never sorted. these :))

Meatman thing

He's hyping up his basic-looking game soo much

The guy who made super meat boy says:

The game is very much me, and how I feel.

Kids gonna go crazy over this 2d basic blob platform jumper

'My room has lots of Nintendo and gaming posters, my room is my life and my life is super meat boy, so super meat boy is my room'

(what on earth does that even mean)

Super meat boy is entirely stolen from a flash game

These dudes found on Newgrounds

(or. they made that game also??)

A boy with no skin against a fetus in a jar, what is this disturbing game

these 2 guys are in complete control over the game, they love how they can make the character do whatever they want without any restrictions.

He says he made the game for himself

Yet believes every kid is obsessed and he’s the greatest coder ever

He says, My games aren't like other games,(mentions titles such as Halo, Cod) because other games are Sh*t, and I don't make sh*t games.

Man3 introduced

Fez won some IGF awards…

2d guy realises he’s in a 3d world, that’s the game

pretty cool

He got a grant from the Canadian government or something to fund the start of the game

Man5 with beard introduced

Another angry indie game developer, fair enough points but conversation executed horribly

Now mumbling for pity

Gets upset from a hate comment from Ashley274 saying “I hate u”

"My game is ridiculously complicated and insane"

its a cool game but its not the greatest thing ever, all these guys are really really arrogant

Man speaking another language….. no subtitles or translation

Man6 introduced much more calm normal looking guy, likes what he does, isn’t screaming glory to himself

In San Francisco


Depressed, life is hard, understandable story, he wanted to make something cool with his life

Made a game called braid

Its about this boy, lost something working thru life, something to do with romance,

Some new guy id who he is or anything about him, he made some game about rewinding or somthing for a week and had some prototype that is “really amazing” continued ideas from prototype into final game very well. At least half of the characters are from original

Such a hard life, his own mother forced him to live in her house, and play video games all day 😢 he must be crying for help because he likes to draw monsters, what a troubled soul. My grandma told me I’m special and I’m gonna prove her right. She told me “your gonna be a success” granny spitting fax no cap

Something about a game called Eather

Man draw a heart with a face, he must have issues, tough tough life kids don’t draw unless they are emotionally disturbed

5 yr old him

The handwriting > art

His grandma passed away, he found old drawings of his she had kept.


some month the 4th 1998 was the day he…got a Nintendo or sonthin?? Started gaming or something idk

He wanted to do *Blank* with his life, Ah he wanted to make games

(I have no idea what he wanted to do with his life I couldn't hear him)

"I would play video games."

He made an epileptic killing machine

and called it awesome.

Back to braid guy I think

Man discovers what a Problem is and puts it in his game. Thinks its genus hidden meaning

I swear these guys are like the English teachers of game design, finding the most abstract random things to waffle about for hours to their own praise,

*I am pretty visual* some guy from earlier how am I supposed to keep track

Actually cool art style tiles with his 3/2d game (fez)

Doing pixel art for 3 years looks a lot better than when u haven’t done it ever before

WHO WOULDA THOUGHT if u do somthing for 3 years u would get better at it!

Back to another guy *its one of the meatboy guys*

idk they are all the same guy. The only variation are their eyes but those are all filled with a deep hatred for people

He puts the same tutorial mechanics again to make sure some idiot isn’t skipping them

Man explains basic human comprehension and learning as if he created it, and his game is such an insane project that just blows all other games away

Guy Fez man

Moved into a office with his friend/co workers idk

His dad was gonna die, then he didn’t die, then parents broke up

Then girl left him

Now he’s sad stressed

Hes struggling

thats all.

New guy introduced! He does not have hair that’s how we can tell him apart

He checks emails and something, idk unimportant waffle

He makes breakfast and likes it, then takes insulin for *That* (what?)

Then goes to work and makes a list until he spills food on it, Shows grease stains on paper

hes showing how he just works a bunch and he dosnt een worryabout getting a new list of stuf to do, until its compleatly distroyed by the food stains that hes been making by working while eating.

Back to other man (no idea which one he is)

Man likens his work to being in a concentration camp, not very cool

Bald man talks about success

Has nice parents and wants money to help them

Some guy, Wins award for Gish

Then proposes on stage

he says he doesn’t feel like he’s actually connecting with his wife because he’s always on computers

Fez man about to launch the game I think

Stage fright, worry

Braid is getting traction from the internet and celebrity artist Souja Boy hyped the game up on a instagram live

The short hair guy somthig happens about braid I think he was getting mad about cirtisizm and people didn’t like him, he thought no one understood the main cool stuff about the game

Super meat boy got really good reviews

The other Braid guy talking about his dreams about to come true

Fez man (Phil fish I think) needs his ex parter to sign something so we can realist the game and have a show, (Fez guy) and he’s gonna MURDER THAT GUY F HIM (said many many times.,,)

Super meat boy disappeared from xbox store

Fez dude 4 hours till the release show at Pax but doesn’t have a signature so could be risking a lawsuit

Puts it in the show anyway, blah blah watches people trying it, its not a finished game

Game breaking bugs at the beginning, unstable, nothing working

Release day Super meat boy released 10,000 Units sold on the first day, it's a big success

“In the past day, I’ve made more from This game than I have in the last 6 years” - one of the super meat boy devs or something

FEZ: still bad bugs, people are enjoying it tho

Great feedback from people about it

Main meatboy Guy is like Yeah Tommy this is great

Tommy seems not happy “I am happy I’m just tired”

Everyones playing the games good success

Fez guy is gonna sign it so there’s no possible lawsuit

yeah, he signs it. all good

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