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Writer's pictureJosiah Forbes

Game Diary

Updated: Jun 20, 2023

Game Diary FOR GROUP

(By Josiah) 

7th March online group chat is created 

There had been a few classes Josiah was sick and absent, so the group started as just 3 people. They came up with an idea for the story to do with ships and toxic waste creatures attacking humans 

8th March

The group continued their idea and Harper wrote it all down.

9th March

Josiah was introduced to our project in person for the first time in class. 

After lesson Josiah wrote all our discussion and ideas down and asked the others to look over it and give feedback

Josiah pitched their own idea for the game to their group

10th March

Day at home

It was briefly discussed and decieded that Josiah would create the game soundtrack.

On the topic of art style

Josiah wanted to do pixel art

Harper suggested a simple cartoon style

Harper wrote a new version of their story 

13th March

Harper said we needed to decide on an art style as they had some designs already which wouldn’t work for pixel art 

So far had only been Josiah and Harper discussing the game idea online.

Josiah was not in favor of the current game idea and wanted to try something else

Josiah and Harper and Han discussed the games idea for a while. We managed to create a whole new idea that still included things from the previous ones. Everyone really liked this new idea; Josiah wrote it all down in a new game synopsis document.

Then we began discussing the art style.

Josiah said: I really love pixel art but I totally recognize, we would only be able to produce a good looking pixel art game if everyone involved in the art would be motivated to learn pixel art, as pixel art is very different from most medians of art, it would take time and good effort to learn how to do it well, so unless we have a team of really enthusiastic pixel artists I don’t think it would work out

Harper said they would struggle with pixel art 

So, we were steering away from it for the time being.

We discussed

With powerup mutation as a feature in our game, we will have 2 designs for each of the main characters

We would have 3 playable characters

Each character would act as a life

If all 3 characters die and become infected, you lose – Game Over

There are a lot of bonuses to having only 1 main character, time being the greatest. We were open to changing the number of playable characters if it would be necessary to complete the game on time.

Josiah and Harper talk about the theme of the game – dark mysterious spooky.

We thought about some ideas for some extra lore

We planned what we would discuss the next day so we could make the most of our time then in-person, tomorrow we would discuss the games' characters.

After the online discussions ended, Josiah continued work adding to the game synopsis all the things we had discussed and any extra thoughts.

1 Week into the group project

we have a finished game idea, story, and most of the mechanics thought of.

14th March 

Class day

We created a list of sea creatures and decided on which ones were suitable for being playable characters.

We did this by checking 3 boxes: Appeal, Ability to Hold and use weapons, and

capable of normal Movement

We cut the list down to only those who checked all the requirements.

Then we chose the Axolotl, Octopus and Turtle, as our main characters

All the leftover creatures we had will be used as enemies later.

Harper sketched concept art for our 3 main characters.

Then made clean line art on their iPad in cartoon style

Today we accomplished:

Coming up with our characters,

Josiah filled in the group with all his ideas for the game and showed reference art he found online, to help everyone in vision what we were making.

This felt like our proper day 1

Before today we had some ideas but that was all

Now we had started actually developing those ideas into art, and discussing things as a group so that everyone was on the same page.

15th march 

We achieved a lot 

We had to decide on an art style now

Josiah pitched the idea again of pixel art:

He thought it would be the easiest art form for us to use in unreal engine with Sprites and Tile Maps

Plus, all the reference art he found online was pixel art, and he liked the look of it a lot.

We then all agreed to do pixel art style.

Harper colored concept art that they made yesterday for our main characters 

and created multiple different color pallet versions for each design.

Josiah compiled a folder of underwater pixel art he found online, to convey his idea to the group and for inspiration.

Josiah set up a folder structure for all group work.

He then started creating the high-pitch document.

After performing individual research online, Josiah setup templates in Photoshop and showed his group all the tools and settings needed to create pixel art

After some photoshop testing and discussion, We decided on making 32x32 characters, and 320x180 backgrounds

Han began work on backgrounds

He sketched 2 great concept backgrounds from our references and then drew them in photoshop pixel art

(Cave normal and mutant cave)

Josiah shared with the group his research into pixel art, unreal engine, and sprite sheets, so that everyone would have a general idea of how developing the game will work 

We started thinking about a game name.

The only suggestion so far was from Aria: Avenge of the OATs (Octopus Axolotl Turtle)

We need to discuss weapons and tools soon so that our artists can make concept art for them. And for enemies also.

Josiah started making a list of priorities so that we could maintain a good workflow

Most Importantly we needed to discuss Weapons and Toos, so that artists can begin concept art


Josiah is doing Managing, Writing, and Ideas

Harper is doing Character Art, Ideas

Han Is doing Background Art

Josiah has been learning and experimenting with Unreal engine at home.

16th March

Harper has finished multiple color designs of each main character

Josiah and Han researched the theme for the 3rd background (Submarine) for Han to make

Josiah worked more on the folder structure

Organizing more new files and creating tutorial images for all the photoshop settings. Including: creating and exporting backgrounds and characters. And how to get the correct grid view 

Josiah started making pixel art of the turtle, based on Harpers concept art.

17th March 

Josiah started drawing pixel art for the Axolotl, which was difficult given it’s more complex design and mix of colors

Group discussed about the style of the pixel art characters 

Han started making background 3

18th March

Han Finished concept background 3 (Submarine)

Josiah continued work on the high pitch document, by researching developing game mechanics in unreal engine, to figure out if we would be capable of creating all the planned mechanics. Such as Sliding, Crouching, Dash Attacks

Josiah found this video helped him with this research

“I found out I would be able to make any sort of effect come from any specific frame in animations, this is great because I can create different ability’s easily from making some restriction to playing a specific animation, I can use the animation as an input for the attack as it will be tied to the frame.”

-Josiah concluded which mechanics he would be capable of developing and began putting those into the high pitch document.

21st March

Harper finished making the lucid chart for the game.

The group discussed weapons and combat.

We decided on a basic melee weapon which you could find stronger versions of in harder levels.

Wooden Oar, Pipe, Axe, Cutlas

We will have an energy bar that regenerates while not in use.

Attacks and abilities and sprinting will consume energy.

Ranged weapons might be added if we have time to.

Each playable character has one unique ability to use for combat .

Han drew sketches for the melee weapons we decided on.

We all drew level designs in class for our game.

While making our level designs we realized a few more mechanics we hadn't thought of before, such as Levers, Doors, Climbable ladders, and Breakable boxes. So, Josiah made a document with explanations of all the level mechanics, character mechanics, and how combat would work.

Josiah worked more on the turtle pixel art. It took a while to produce a good design that fit in with the other artwork.

22 March

We decided to change our character pixel art sizes from 32x to 40x

This was because we found 32x to limiting for some of the designs.

Harper made 40x pixel art designs for all 3 characters.

Josiah and Han worked on finishing touches for the Axolotl pixel art.

The octopus pixel art design is good but will have to redraw it a bit bigger later.

Josiah came up with a list of game name ideas, we then all together chose the name Aquatic Apocalypse.

We Reviewed each of our level maps.

23rd March

Due to the limited pixels, we decided for the infected mutated forms we would not add plastic pieces on them, instead just a matching color scheme and angry eyes.

We discussed all the games enemies and mini-bosses, Josiah made a document and wrote all the abilities for enemies and mini bosses, plus how each boss fight would take place.

Josiah made a level plan in Photoshop which shows an overview of the different stages of the game. highlighting each one's environment with background art drawn by Han, and which level each boss would appear at.

We came to a final pixel art design for the axolotl.

Josiah started making an incredibly simple walk animation for the axolotl.

Han shared some music with Josiah for inspiration for the game soundtrack.

*Han will begin concept art for the mini bosses and enemy’s 

Then will create the concept backgrounds of the shipwreck and submarine levels.

25th March

Harper started working on the game Logo

26th March

Harper finished work on the game logo, and we all agreed on one.

30th March

Josiah finished the simple walk animation for the axolotl.

Then Josiah began testing things in Unreal Engine, He set up a basic tile map and simple character blueprint which would allow basic character movement.

He also imported one of our backgrounds in to get a better feel for the game.

*Insert image or video of unreal engine example*

31st March

Josiah continued to work in Unreal Engine, creating a falling animation for the Axolotl and adding more of our backgrounds in. He also adjusted the character's movement, walk speed, jump height, gravity, etc.

Then polished up the collision sphere for the character.

Josiah continued work on the high pitch document 

1st April

Josiah worked on the pixel art designs for the turtle and octopus, so that he could include them in the high pitch document

Josiah researched developing combat mechanics in Unreal Engine

Josiah worked on the jumping/falling animation for the character and performed some problem-solving:

I drew a jumping frame of the axolotl in photoshop, then put it into the project.

The Problem

I wanted there to be a jumping animation and a falling animation. Currently, the way the movement is set up, the character only has one state to check for (in relation to jumping). This is “Is falling” Which I believe will trigger when the character’s Y coordinate is changing. Unfortunately, this means as soon as the character jumps the fall animation starts, yet we would like a jump animation, followed by a fall animation.

Target Goal

In the future I hope to be able to create a Jump animation that will look correct that when the character jumps the jumping animation plays only then for the time you are moving upwards. And a falling animation plays only while your character is moving downwards.

Attempted Solution

I tried creating a “Jumpfall” flipbook which consisted of 10 jumping frames then 90 fall frames. This solution works well for jumping on platforms, as it simulates the jump and fall being separated. But it means if u fall off a ledge, the character will appear to start jumping for a few frames. Which is not right.

What I will try next

I think I can achieve my goal by:

Having a Jump flipbook that plays only when the character’s Y Coordinate is positively changing (moving upwards) and then a falling flipbook that would trigger while the character is having a negative change to the Y Coordinate.

Additionally, I would have to make sure this does not interfere with climbing up and down ladders.

I think I would be able to set the climbing flipbook while in “IsClimbing” state, to have a higher priority over the Falling or Jumping State (the states triggered by changes to the Y Position)

Which would stop the falling animation playing while climbing down ladders.


Until I can develop this later, the character will only have the fall animation flipbook in use.

2nd April

Josiah did a quick recap and noted everything we had done so far:

It's been 26 days since group work started in class. 

We’ve got

A full game story  

All characters/enemy’s concepts

Main characters

Concept art

Full Turn Arounds 

Halfway done with Final designs

Game Name

Game logo 

Weapon concept art

Concept backgrounds

 Base Unreal project with character movement 

Ideas for music for the game

Lucid chart

High pitch document almost complete 

Mechanics and gameplay all planned out

even though the project is due in 69 days we are planning and aiming for us to finish a week ahead of time, so in 59 days. This is so if anything unexpectedly takes longer, there will be some time to catch up on, and time to add extra polishing at the end, while still staying within the due date of the project.

6th Aprill

Josiah worked on this game diary and experimented with some instruments for the soundtrack.

NEW: (for Harper to edit/add to*)

6th aprill

Josiah continued writing the group diary form his notes

And he dxperimented with some instuments for the soundtrack fo the game 

18th April

Class day

19th April

Class day

20th April

Class day 

Aria and Han did their ideas capture sheets

21st aprill 

Josiah made a concept background for shipwreck level 

Han made pixel art weapons 

22nd aprill 

Josiah worked on high pitch doc 

Shipwreck environment Bg, wooden crate Tile, jellyfish enemy concept pixel art.

THE WEEK aprill 18-22

Harper has been working on character art

And Tilesets 

Aria has been drawing concept art for mini bosses. And doing Tilesets and Ideas Capture Sheet

Han has been drawing pixel art for weapons, and doing Tilesets and ideas capture sheet, high pitch document 

Josiah has been managing the group tasks, working on the game diary and meeting table. 

Tilesets, enemy concept pixel art 

High pitch document. level design

Group has discussed further ideas and mechanics, going into all the  specifics of how the game will play.

25th aprill

Tuesday class

Kerian introduction to unreal*

Finished high pitch document with eveyones imput, 

Harper and Aria and Han started Character Profile sheet

Josiah started proper level design.

Harper worked on tilesets

Josiah started work in unreal engine now that we had access to it.

26th aprill Wednesday

27th Thursday 

Josiah started making coyote timing in game

Friday 28th aprill

Josiah finsihed adding coyote timing to the game

And plans to next add jump buffering

Saturday 29th aprill

Harper fixed brick tiles in their tileset

Sunday 30th aprill

Josiah fixed the jump and fall animation issue stated previously. Now jumping plays when jumping upwards and the falling plays only when falling down 

2nd May

we did stuff

3rd May

we did stuff

4th May

we did stuff

5th May

we did stuff

8th May

we did stuff

This last week 

Harper and Han

Have been working on their own sprite sheets for characters 

Josiah working on Unreal and finishing up 

high pitch

Aria idk

Tuesday 9nth we did the group progress chart and ideas capture sheet

Wednesday 10th

Aria starts on seahorse pixel art enemy

Han animated the lobster enemy

11 thThursday 

Aria cave background 

15th May Monday

Josiah setup climbing ladders and jump buffering in unreal

17th May Wednesday

Started as a group-level design starting with ocean shipwreck level 

19th may

harper did

Sunday 21st may

Josiah made a deep cave background 

Worked on final axolotl spritesheet 

Worked on shipwreck level design 

23rd May Tuesday

Han working on hammerhead shark

Harper finished all Axolotl attacks and is working on Lion fish 

Josiah setup the different weapons in unreal, setup teleporting to next level  in unreal.

kept working in angler fish spritesheet,

worked on plastic spikes for the shipwreck Tileset. Almost finished the shipwreck level design in unreal.

24th Wednesday 

Josiah setup spike damage and worked on tileset shipwreck level. Experimented in unreal with background sizes to find the right one for Han to start working on the final shipwreck background 

Han started creating the final ocean and shipwreck background 

Harper worked on Lionfish sprite sheet

Harper started on plastic waste art, for decorations and damaging components 

26th Friday 

Josiah set up health pickup 

28th May Sunday

Josiah setup enemy follow and attack player 

31st may harper made the powerup potion icons,

Week from Start of june basicly:

Harper and Han doing level design near end of week, no time to actuay ad it tho :(

Harper made title screen in the week

harper finished up wooden shipwreck tilesets

harper finished lionfish

harper made credit screen '(unused in game)

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